February 16, 2021

Hello Members!

For once I have some good news! OABA, Outdoor Amusement Business Association has a Hall of Fame that honors Icons in our industry. These are people who have made an impact on the industry. We have the honor of having two of our former Presidents all ready in the Hall of Fame Lloyd Hilligoss and Earl "Butch" Butler, this year in Gibtown at the trade show another of our Past Presidents will be awarded this prestigious honor! Our own Sam Johnston! I can think of nobody who is more deserving. Sam has worked diligently to improve our industry in every aspect. He has been involved with many organizations championing our cause to make our lives safer and our industry prosper.

Thank you , Sam from all of us, and a big Congratulations!

I also want to tell everyone that the website Showfolksofamerica.com has been updated. Scholarship information is there along with an application. If you click on "Join us" at the top right hand corner of the home screen, then choose "Scholarships" from the drop down menu it will take you right to it.

I hope all are happy and healthy, I miss you all!

Sally B. McClain

Corresponding Secretary